Recovery Works Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

Recovery Works is a unique drug abuse treatment and education program offering intensive outpatient (IOP) and partial hospitalization (PHP) services to the metro Atlanta area and the southeast. Our program combines traditional addiction treatment therapies through one-on-one counseling and therapeutic groups with several different tracks that accommodate many different perspectives. Mindfulness and spirituality are stressed in a unique blend of 12 step and non 12 step perspectives.  While many programs offer mindfulness and non 12 step options,  Recovery Works takes the best parts of these programs and combines them to provide a truly unique and successful addiction treatment program.

Individuals who have attempted sobriety in the past and were unsuccessful, our program allows the person to have a fresh start, recognizing that not everyone responds to every type of treatment.  We believe that support, understanding and compassion are key to helping clients find a permanent, lasting solution that comes from within.

The Recovery Works Approach

Unique to Recovery Works is our belief that addiction stems from traumatic events experienced in childhood.  Utilizing the works of Charles Whitfield, Recovery Works seeks to heal the child within, and trauma-informed care is at the heart of what we do. Helping our clients see the root cause of their pain allows them to discover the key to moving beyond it. The skills development component integrates common sense with cutting edge neuroscience to illuminate how to find resilience even among the chaos, both from the past and in the future.

Recovery Works understands that each story is unique and that a cookie-cutter approach is unlikely to be effective for long term recovery.  While our program respects the proven fellowship of the 12 steps, it allows our clients to choose from a range of therapeutic opportunities, including Dharma Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and Smart Recovery. We believe there is no one-size-fits-all program, so our clients enjoy individually tailored therapy that fits their needs and is able to work through their unique situations by adapting group lessons.

We have found that people struggling with addictions are almost never struggling alone: families, spouses, parents, and children of our clients often express a need for compassionate help as well, which is something that is often overlooked. Without addressing or acknowledging the needs of everyone affected, the healing process can easily be delayed or hindered. While many programs offer aftercare guidance and follow up, Recovery Works provides family consultation and one-on-one counseling to family members affected by the client’s addiction.

Breakthrough Treatment For Trauma

Over 40 years ago Dr. Charles Whitfield pioneered the field of trauma recovery.  With Recovery Works Dr. Whitfield contributed his vast knowledge to provide the first addiction treatment program based on his works. Dr. Whitfield’s legacy lives on in each person who learns to recover from their past traumatic experiences.